Monthly Archives: April 2020

Update – Communicating clearly about coronavirus and COVID-19

Only one month after my last blog on Communicating clearly about coronavirus and COVID-19, the health crisis thankfully appears to be easing in Australia.

Very many words and numbers have been written and spoken about the crisis. Communication issues remain, but the key messages have been grasped by enough people to make a difference.

Personal and professional planned activities have been disrupted for many, and researchers are using their time differently. It’s a time for research in many areas.

I have been pleased to edit several items on coronavirus and COVID-19 for clients in universities and industry. Some papers require same day turnaround to provide information to a wide audience quickly.

A paper I edited for Associate Professor Stephen Zhang at the University of Adelaide received worldwide attention and was reported in The Sydney Morning Herald on Thursday 9 April 2020. Stephen says over 50 media have mentioned the paper on the mental health impacts of the pandemic, including HuffPost (US), Yahoo (various) and Wired (Italy), as well as in other Australian states (Brisbane Times).

With a University of Sydney co-author, read more about the research impact in Sydney Business Connect April 2020 newsletter here.

Stay informed and be safe. For advice on editing or writing to communicate clearly, please contact me on